Balkanka Association in Bulgaria

Balkanka Association in Bulgaria

The “Balkanka” Association is a Bulgarian non-profit, non-governmental organization that is trying to save and protect all Bulgarian rivers – the main objectives being the protection and conservation of river biodiversity in general, as well as the conservation and restoration of indigenous Balkan trout populations in particular. These are some steep goals and the members…

The National Campaign to Protect the Bisri Valley in Lebanon

The National Campaign to Protect the Bisri Valley in Lebanon

In this year’s pile of applications there were some surprises – one being the Bisri valley project. First we are happy to have reached people all over the world and river conservationists even in Lebanon have heard about the Free Rivers Fund and applied for grants. The second – not so happy – surprise was…

Grantees 2019

Grantees 2019

These five amazing river conservation projects have been selected for support in 2019. Marañón Waterkeeper Marañón Waterkeeper is a community lead organisation that is working to protect the Marañón River, hydrological source of the Amazon. 20 mega dams planned along the Marañón would turn its 900km of whitewater into a series of stagnant reservoirs, block…

The three founding organisations pass on funding

The three founding organisations pass on funding

The three organisations that started the Free Rivers Fund will not be included in the grant programm 2019. Each of them has decided that it is time to give their share to new grassroot projects. In 2016, WET – Wildwasser Erhalten Tirol, Save the Conwy and the Balkan Rivers Tour started the Free Rivers Fund…