Funding moved to Vrbas

Funding moved to Vrbas river campaign

The CZZS  Centar za životnu sredinu / Center for Environment approached us with infos about their Ugar canyon project which is supported by the Free Rivers Fund this year. The plans for new hydro power plants in Ugar canyon (Bosnia and Herzegovina) are luckily not showing much progress at the moment. This is unexpected but gives CZZS the chance to focus on more urgent projects elsewhere in the country.

We are thus following CZZS suggestion to fund campainig for Vrbas river instead. Here action is needed immedeately. Campaining for Vrbas river will also be supported by the Balkan Rivers Tour 3 which will have a stopover at Banja Luka beginning of October.

For more info on CZZS action against hydropower plants at Vrbas river read their blog post from December 2017.

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