Grantees 2017 – the founding projects
The Free Rivers Fund is starting its first year, giving out the first round of grants. And these go – to the founding projects. Have a look below!
Balkan Rivers Tour
Balkan Rivers Tour started from a crazy idea born in the head of Rok Rozman at the pub one late evening. Intention to expose the insane dam craze and attack of greed in the Balkans to the world, connect grass roots activists from the region and prove that nature conservation is anything but boring and reserved just for experts became real project in just 6 months. With 1.500 participants, 23 paddled rivers in 6 countries and 18 participating nations it was and still is the biggest river conservation project in Europe. But what is even more important – it is now spontaneously becoming a movement that is gaining publicity and reach trough one simple truth; saving rivers is rock’n’roll and paddling is so much better when you give it a purpose.

Save the Conwy
Save the Conwy is a kayaker led NGO based in the Snowdonia National Park. It has been campaigning against the building of a run of river HEP scheme on the Fairy Glen section of the Afon Conwy. A scheme that would threaten a SSSI site famous for it’s endangered celtic rainforest plant species, block the migration route for both Salmon and Sea Trout and drain the flow from the best section of white water in the UK.
By working side by side with traditional environmental NGOs and other river users Save the Conwy has been able to hold off this damaging proposal since 2013 and hopes to protect this beautiful rivers future for everyone to enjoy.

WET – Wildwasser erhalten Tirol
WET – Wildwasser erhalten Tirol is committed to the preservation of the last undeveloped rivers and streams of the Tyrol region of Austria and aims to constantly improve the ecological state of Tyrolean waters.
WET is very critical of the expansion of hydropower in Tyrol and informs the affected population of its effects through information events and public relations work.
The members of the WET are very active in the campaign against the planned expansion of the Sellrain-Silz power plant group and have been achieving positive changes in the project as a part of the EIA procedure. The final goal – to stop the expansion of Sellrain-Silz and prevent water drainage from the Stubaital – is getting closer and closer.